Laporte Walking Trail


Discovery Routes


The Laporte Walking Trail is a peaceful walk through the woods with a beautiful lakefront view. Located on Laporte Road off of River Road, the trail leads to the beach and boat launch at Wasi Lake. Three trail systems (red, yellow and blue) loop around back to the main road and offer a serene and quiet walk through beautiful wooded trails. The Blue trail also offers a storybook walk with pages of a storybook posted up for children to follow.

Management Wasi Lake Property Owners and Friends
Length 709 m - 1.4 km
Activities Hiking, Snowshoeing
Difficulty Easy
Seasons All Season


In Chisholm Township at the end of Laporte Road, off River Road

The vast network of trails we celebrate exist on the traditional lands and waterways of the Anishinaabe people within the territory protected by the Robinson Huron Treaty of 1850 and Williams Treaties of 1923.