June 3-7, 2019
Discovery Routes Trails Organization, Ottawa Valley Cycling and Active Transportation Alliance and Active Transportation Partners in Eastern Ontario invite our partners to join us on a Mobile Workshop of the Eastern Ontario expansion of the Voyageur Cycling Route. This multi-day workshop is an opportunity to hear presentations from visiting and local experts on cycle tourism, learn about cycling infrastructure and services, network with other cycling, tourism, and business leaders, and experience the Voyageur Cycling Route first hand from a user perspective.
Join us for any or all of the four days of presentations and cycling, or just a morning session. Non-cycling participants are welcome to attend any of the daily presentation sessions. For the optional cycling portion, both experienced and inexperienced cyclists with any type of bike are invited to attend. Distances for each day and approximate times are listed below. Participants can ride for whatever distance they decide, and a support vehicle is available to take participants and their bikes the rest of the way from any rest stop if need be.
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Cyclists will be responsible for having their own bike in good working order, a spare tube on hand, and a cell phone. All riders are encouraged to get in touch with Discovery Routes staff in advance of the workshop if you have any questions or concerns regarding equipment or to arrange a bicycle rental if required.
For more information about the Mobile Workshop, please contact Jennifer McCourt at Discovery Routes by phone at (705) 472-8480 ext 223 or email at jennifer@discoveryroutes.ca.