Our Priorities
Through partnership and collaboration, Discovery Routes raises awareness of the diverse trail experiences that; connect people with the natural world and history of the Near North, create social connections, improve health and well-being and support the local economy.
Connect Communities and People
We believe that trails promote connection. Across the Near North, we have a thriving community of volunteers who provide stewardship for a vast and diverse trail network. Supporting our community-based trail partners through collaborations and resource sharing is our strategy to keep growing and improving the trail network.
- A proud steward of 340km of the Trans Canada Trail
- Leading the development of the Voyageur Cycling Route connecting 29 communities from Sudbury to Ottawa
- Supporting local trails and trail organizations through fundraising and resources such as the Voyer Trail, Almaguin Community Trails, Friends of Laurier Woods
- Securing land use rights to the Beachburg Rail Trail
- Leveraging funding support for trail development, improvements and expansions
Inspire Trail Use for Health and Well-Being
We believe that trails make us all happier, and more creative and improve our physical and mental health and well-being. More people than ever are seeking new trails across the Near North where they feel safe for exercise, fresh air, well-being and connection. Discovery Routes works with agencies like the Health Unit, local school boards and municipalities to provide the resources to find local trails, close to home.
- Trailhead signs and directional signage
- Trail maps and resources
- Website listing close to 1000km of trails for hiking, cross-country skiing, paddling and cycling
- Sharing trail stories on social media – @DiscoveryRoutes on Instagram and Facebook
- Support local trail events and festivals
Promote Safe, Responsible and Equitable Access to Trails and Active Transportation Facilities
We believe that access to a safe place to walk or ride a bike is a right. Working closely with our municipal and community partners, Discovery Routes helps to inform on the integration of trails and active transportation infrastructure into sustainable community planning to bring the benefits of trails to all communities across the Near North.
- ReCycle Bikes Program
- Advocacy for paved shoulders and improved conditions for all road users on provincial highways and municipal roadways
- Fundraising support for cycling facilities on municipal roadways
- Trailhead and directional trail and cycling route signs
- Community Bicycle Education Program
- Bicycle safety campaigns
- Member of the North Bay Active Transportation Advisory Committee
- Comments to municipal active transportation and trails master plans
- Trail use tracking program
Support the Local Economy
We believe trails are good for business. Trails and safe cycling facilities get us moving around our community and attract visitors from across the region and tourists from farther away. Trail experiences invite us to explore, discover and deepen our connection with nature, our communities and others.
- Trail Experiences Program pairing trail and cycling adventures with local businesses and attractions
- Work with tourism partners to promote trail experiences and ensure presence in marketing materials
- Bicycle-friendly business certification through Ontario by Bike
- Bring trails to life through storytelling on travel blogs, articles and social media
- Support and promote signature trails of provincial and national significance: Voyageur Cycling Route and Trans Canada Trail
Download the 2023 Discovery Routes Impact Report for more details on the past year’s activities.