Ahmic Lake Cycling Route


Almaguin Highlands Economic Development


The Ahmic Lake Cycling Route is part of the longer Almaguin Spin, which is part of the Voyageur Cycling Route Experiences.

For some extra elevation, explore the country backroads around Ahmic Lake following the 40km Ahmic Lake Cycling Route. Novice to intermediate riders will appreciate the rolling hills and winding road, but stay alert as it isn’t unusual to encounter fast-moving vehicles on the cottage-laden Ahmic Lake Road and there are poor sight lines.

The route takes riders along parts of the historic Old Nipissing Road that is dedicated as part of the iconic Trans Canada Trail. Between the locally-famous Cornball Store and Magnetawan is a trio of steep grinds. Just don’t burn all your matches too early into the loop!

Staging Areas:
Municipal Office and Community Centre, Magnetawan

Ride Supports:
– Outdoor Bike Fix Stands in Magnetawan
– Bike Parts at Home Hardware in Magnetawan
– Free Community-Run Bike Share in Magnetawan

More Details

Length 40 km
Surface Mixed Gravel, Paved Road

The vast network of trails we celebrate exist on the traditional lands and waterways of the Anishinaabe people within the territory protected by the Robinson Huron Treaty of 1850 and Williams Treaties of 1923.