Mashkinonje Provincial Park contains a network of 27.7 km of backcountry hiking trails. The official park status is non-operating and the park is not staffed by Ontario Parks, however, it is maintained in partnership with community volunteers, the Friends of Mashkinonje.
Good Practices for Backcountry Hiking and Travel
- Always have a safety contact and inform them of your plans.
- Bring appropriate clothing, food and water, navigational aids and a first aid kit.
- Bring bug spray and other protections. Biting insects can be heavy in the spring and summer.
- Watch for and do not disturb the wildlife. The park is a natural habitat for moose, bears, wolves, and bobcats, to name a few.
The Trail Network
- The Atakas Trail (5.4 km) transects the rock ridges and valley wetlands, so this provides an opportunity to view various forest communities and wetlands. The trail passes meadows (dry pond beds), historic logging operations, a draft-dodger cabin and a wetland, rich with cranberries.
- The Beckett Lang Trail (0.3 km) is an alternate route between the Coastal and Atakas trails.
- The Bobcat Trail (0.5 km) is an alternate route between the Heron and Atakas trails.
- The Coastal Trail (4.4 km) follows bedrock ridges along the coast of Lake Nipissing, offering beautiful views of the West Arm. The bridge midway along the trail is a perfect spot for a picnic.
- The Heron Trail (4.9 km) is a lookout trail with rock ridges and multiple elevated lookouts and scenic views. There are great bird watching opportunities along the entire route and opportunities to spot bog species that have adapted to the special acidic conditions.
- Lapin Beach Trail (1.4 km) is accessed by boat and begins at a sandy beach. The trail has sweet gale, winter holly, speckled alder , a healthy black ash swamp and a beaver pond, which is evidence of changing water levels.
- Hike along granite ridges on the Martin Pond Trail (4 km), part of a complex marsh and swamp wetland that shows just what beavers can accomplish – be prepared to sit and watch the busy beavers. This trail links to 27.7 km (17.2 mi) of trails networks.
- Pebble Beach Trail (3.4 km) is accessed by boat or land. The trail traverses bedrock, ridges and winds through forests of jack pine, trembling aspen, red maple, and red oak, giving you views of the West Arm of Lake Nipissing and Mashkinonje Island. The return portion of Pebble Beach trail is easier, allowing a gentle stroll along an old logging road.
- Samoset Trail (3.4 km) takes you through jack pine forests, along granite ridges, and across lowland red maple and black ash swamps. Be sure to take your binoculars and watch for waterfowl where the trail meets Samoset Creek. You may even see owls roosting in the dead tree stumps in the swamp.
Backcountry Hiking Trails Maps
Trailhead Parking
Trail access off Musky Island Road, West Nipissing
Trailhead UTM 552978 mE x 5121525 mN
Ownership Ministry of Natural Resources – Ontario Parks
Management Friends of Mashkinonje/ Mashkinonje Provincial Park
Length 1.4 - 27 km
Activities Hiking
Difficulty Moderate to Hard
Level of Development Minimally Developed
Seasons Summer
Rules for Use
Removal of natural or historic objects; damage or defacing of property; and litter prohibited under Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act
For More Information
Print map with 1000 kms + of hiking, cycling, paddling, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing trails across Ontario’s Near North