Voyageur Cycling Route – Eastern Expansion

Voyageur Cycling Route Near Bonfield - Photo: Patrick Gilbert

In 2017, with funding support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Discovery Routes began to plan the Eastern expansion of the Voyageur Cycling Route. Working in collaboration with Ottawa Valley Cycling and Active Transportation Alliance (OVCATA) and Eastern Ontario Active Transportation partners, Discovery Routes has engaged road and trail authorities in Renfrew County, Lanark County and the City of Ottawa. What began as a regional effort to connect communities in active travel across parts of Northeastern Ontario has burgeoned into an experience of national significance spanning 645km across some of Canada’s most awe-inspiring and culturally significant landscapes.

2019 Voyageur Cycling Route Expansion Report

Voyageur Cycling Route Eastern Expansion reportExtensive consultations with individuals including local cycling advocates, road and trail authorities, and, tourism and economic development agencies have determined the preferred cycling route to connect the Northern arm of the Voyageur Cycling Route to the National Capital Region. The 2019 Voyageur Cycling Route Expansion Report details the methodology used to select the preferred cycling route and presents an implementation plan that could realize a fully connected cycling route within the next two years.

The Expansion Report has been presented to route and trail authorities across the multi-jurisdictional cycling route and endorsement of the Voyageur Cycling Route has been requested. It is hoped that endorsement will be received in time for the June 2019 Mobile Workshop.



2019 Mobile Workshop – Eastern OntarioEastern Ontairo Mobile Workshop report cover

The Voyageur Cycling Route Eastern Expansion Mobile Workshop took place between Monday, June 3 and Thursday, June 6, 2019.  The event was hosted by Discovery Routes Trails Organization in partnership with OVCATA and active transportation and tourism partners across Eastern Ontario through funding support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.  Modeled after the successful Great Lakes Waterfront Trail’s Leaders Mobile Workshop and following the format of our 2016 event along the Northeastern Ontario section of the cycling route, the workshop was a resounding success building awareness of the Voyageur Cycling Route among decision makers and leaders in areas of tourism, active transportation and infrastructure. The workshop test rode over 200km of the route and visited 16 Eastern Ontario communities.

Download the Voyageur Cycling Route – Eastern Ontario Expansion Mobile Workshop; Route Evaluation Report, September 2019



Voyageur Cycling Route Eastern Expansion Mobile Workshop
Full album here

Media Coverage

Inside Ottawa Valley: Cyclists follow route of voyageur paddlers through Arnprior

Chip FM: Voyageurs Cycling Route receives expansion grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation

Millstone News: Provincial group assesses cycle tourism

Project Partners


Eastern Ontario Active Transportation Summit

ovcata logo

Project Supporters

Ontario Trillium Foundation


The vast network of trails we celebrate exist on the traditional lands and waterways of the Anishinaabe people within the territory protected by the Robinson Huron Treaty of 1850 and Williams Treaties of 1923.